Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Lines Left upon a Seat in a Yew-Tree

In “Lines Left upon a Seat in a Yew-Tree” Wordsworth emphasizes that it is important to balance your relationship with nature and society. The poem is divided into two parts. Part one is the story of a lonely man and part two is the moral of the poem. This man chose to isolate himself from society. He “sustained his soul in solitude” and lived alone amongst nature.  In doing so he did not gain any peace in his life.  He was able to see all of nature’s beauty, but he still sought after the outcome of human relationships.  “The world, and man himself, appeared a scene of kindred loveliness: then he would sigh with mournful joy, to think that others felt what he must never feel”.  At this point the moral of the poem begins.  Wordsworth leaves us with the idea that sitting alone isolated in your own pride is not how you connect with nature and gain knowledge. True knowledge should be gained through engaging in inward thought and relationships in humanity.  I think the point Wordsworth is trying to make is that in order to be in tune with nature one must be familiar with humanity as well. I think he is suggesting that humans and nature are not separate entities. Rather, that they are united and  should work together. 


Steve Jones said...

Your focus on the theme of solitude and community seems convincing to me. Does the Traveler seem to get the message?