Wednesday, February 17, 2010

We Are Seven

The battle between rational and supernatural belief is displayed in We Are Seven. The narrator was unwilling to accept the girl’s belief that her deceased siblings still accompanied her. At first read, the little Maid seemed ignorant to the reality of death. The rationality of the narrator overpowered the child's brilliance. The child regarded the death of her siblings in a supernatural way. She assures that they are all there, all seven of them. She eats supper, sings, and knits by their sides. Not once in the poem did she renounce her view, even after repeatedly being told that she was wrong. By stating that they lie in the churchyard she does not seem completely ignorant of the idea that they are dead. It is rare for humans to seem as content when talking about the death of family as she was.  Her faith in the supernatural has made her content. Wordsworth demonstrated two attitudes on death. The attitudes demonstrated were logical and superstitious. Although, the narrator deems the child to be wrong, I think Wordsworth is leaving it in the readers’ hand to decide. 


Steve Jones said...

I like this entry! But, as we said in class, you need to define what you mean by "supernatural." In some ways, the little girl's views take apart the distinction between "natural" and "supernatural"--yes? Where's the evidence that she believes in their SUPERnatural presence, as opposed to simply honoring their continued NATURAL presence in her memory and daily life? Do you see what I mean? It's tricky--and you get at what is the heart of the poem, for sure.